un nouveau
style de vie

Miniature Möka coffee table Clipped Möka coffee table£340
Möka coffee table
Nordic style in your living room
The Möka table is entirely made with beechwood and seduces by its refined lines

Möka coffee table


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Nordic style in your living room

The Möka table is entirely made with beechwood and seduces by its refined lines. Its open base and slightly beveled plate do not detract from the beautiful simplicity of the coffee table.

Timeless, the Möka table has this particular current neo-retro side which allows it to be associated with both contemporary design or retro deco.

Covered with a colorless mat varnish, she is easy to clean with a wipe of sponge.


Weight and Dimensions

  • 11,00 kg
  • 110,00 x 33,00 x 55,00 cm (Length x Height x Width)
4,8/5,0Unrivalled customer satisfaction

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