The interest of reclaimed furniture has found its place the last few years and gives a certain warmth to your interior.
Recycled furniture into vintage design
Vintage is a concept very used these days, that once stood for a ancient vintage spirit. It now describes a close past that we wish to experience once more, from reclaimed furniture, to decoration accessories such as colorful kitchenware, but surprises as well with the cupboards, where knitwears and high weight clothes come to back to reality. Les meubles brocante de toutes ces modes traversées durant le XXème siècle sont recherchés et habillent nos séjours, cuisines, chambres ou encore salle de bain tout en couleur et en originalité. Certains looks vintages sont devenus inévitables, comme le style années 50, les meubles brocante patinés, ou encore le cachet d'une pièce industrielle. Portés par cette nouvelle tendance, les designers et fabricants de meubles se plaisent à repenser ces références incontournable du design.

meuble brocante mange debout
Nostalgia of upcycled furniture
If we come closer to the vintage decorative style, we assimilate more and more the design to a more simple and authentic time. This period allowed obtaining high quality funiture for all; recycled furniture that we find nowadays in good state. The quality of assembly, materials, and comfort was effectively a criteria to honor, with boldness. Seats are welcoming and pleasant, storing is practical and designed for a long time use, dining tables, one piece of recycled furniture highly seaked, are user-friendly and call to festivities. This search for functional aesthtics allows to create pure and natural atmospheres. Nowadays, furniture and decoratives creators fancy making us live back in time and relive these wonderful days of design, by proposing to use many models inspired by the vintage style. Conditions of upcycled furniture are today still respected ; durability, comfort, and authenticity.